Tree and plant roots draw moisture from the ground, but a tree may take it from a water table 50ft or more below, too deep to dig down to reach. Don't try, let the tree pump it up for you by tying a plastic bag around a leafy branch. Evaporation from the leaves will produce condensation in the bag.
*Choose healthy vegetation and bushy branches. On trees keep the mouth of the bag at the top with a corner hanging low to collect condensed evaporation.
Placing a polythene tent over any vegetation will collect moisture by evaporation which will condense on the plastic as it cools. Suspend the tent from the apex or support with a padded stick. Avoid foliage touching the sides of the trap or it will divert water droplets which should collect in plastic lined channels at the bottom.
Even cut vegetation will produce some condensation as it warms up when placed in a large plastic bag. Keep the foliage off the bottom with stones so that water collects below it, and keep the foliage from touching the plastic. Use Stones to keep the bag taut. Support the top on a padded stick . Arrange the bag on a slight slope to encourage condensation to run down to the collecting point. When no longer productive carefully replace with fresh foliage.
Thanks for reading, Please check bag regularly for more from Ruff Survival
Thanks Eric from Ruff Survival
Ruff survival is all about the outdoors, camping, survival tips, survival gear, primitive skills. We believe that you can learn something new each and everyday, and we love teaching as well as learning. All comments are welcome!!
Great post.